Investing in the latest state of the art equipment means that here at Annette Dobbs we are able to conduct OCT tests of your eyes. OCT eye tests give you a far more detailed image of your eye. This allows us to go into greater depth when assessing the health of your eyes. More detail means we can identify potential eye conditions that would be missed during a normal exam.
This state-of-the-art 3D technology takes 128 individual high resolution scans of the back of the eye, and creates a detailed picture of either the optic nerve or the macula (central vision area). Every distinctive layer of the retina can be seen using these scans.
We then use the photographic information to map and determine the thickness of these individual layers. This is what enables us to diagnose and provide treatment for eye conditions such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic eye disease, to name but a few.