Our clinic helps people like you alleviate painful, gritty and tired eyes safely.

We understand that having dry eyes seriously impacts your quality of life.

What is dry eye syndrome? So many people suffer from this syndrome without knowing that it is an actual disease. While there are those who notice the symptoms but neglect it or use self-medications that can result in greater damage, it is a progressive disease. Without treatment or proper medication, it can worsen over time. This disease is a condition in which there are insufficient tears in the eyes to nourish, sustain and help lubricate them. Patients with dry eye have a very poor quality of tears or they do not even have enough to sustain the eyes.

How do I know if I may have this syndrome?

If you have any of the following symptoms in your eyes:
  • Gritty eyes
  • Irritation
  • Burning
  • Stinging
  • Tiredness, eye fatigue
  • Itchy eyes
  • Pain and redness
  • Heavy eyelids
  • Episodes of blurry vision or the inability to cry when stressed emotionally
Dry eye disease can be caused by a number of things including anterior blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). Anterior blepharitis occurs when dandruff-like scales form on the eyelashes which can cause eyelid inflammation. Most often the debris is microscopic and is not always visible to the eye. That is why we use microscopes to diagnose these deposits. MGD occurs when oil becomes blocked in the glands around the eyelid margins. This causes tears to evaporate more quickly and some people even notice their eyes water more than normal. A further complication is that Demodex mites thrive in eyes with dry eye disease which can cause further problems. Dry eye disease is a chronic condition and there is currently no cure. However, there are ways of keeping dry eyes under control. Without treatment it can worsen over time and, in some cases, this can lead to more serious problems.

What is BlephEx?

BlephEx is a state of the art treatment for dry eye disease. During a BlephEx procedure a soft, medical grade sponge is moved across the eyelids whilst it spins to gently unblock the oil glands and remove debris and bacteria for clean, clear and comfortable eyes. We recommend having BlephEx treatment twice a year to keep on top of symptoms and help your eyes feel comfortable for longer.

Does BlephEx hurt?

BelphEx is a painless treatment, in fact some of our patients even say that it tickles. The applicator is a soft sponge which does not damage the eye. Post treatment your eyes will feel clean and refreshed.