Eye Examinations

The most vital part of your eyecare

We recommend that regular eye examinations are a vital part of any health care programme.

They are essential to ensure normal visual development in children and for the early detection of conditions affecting the eyes and general health. Every new patient is given a full eye examination which takes approximately half an hour. The spectacle prescription is ascertained by different objective and subjective methods and the eyes are examined externally and internally for conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and retinal detachments.

Retinal photographs are taken using a digital fundus camera and the images are stored on a computer for comparison on future visits. The effects of conditions such as diabetes and raised blood pressure can also be detected and monitored with our imaging systems. Additional tests for binocular vision, intra-ocular pressures, visual field analysis and colour vision are performed when necessary.

We offer private and NHS comprehensive eye examinations

Our optometrists that will be looking after you.

Rebecca Jones


Rebecca has a passion for staying at the forefront of technological advancements in eye care. Here at Annette Dobbs, we utilise the latest state of the art diagnostic equipment which is one of several reasons Rebecca loves conducting examinations here.

Annette Dobbs

Principal Optometrist

Annette has built her practice and brand around delivering exceptional eyecare without compromise. A fountain of knowledge and expertise that can guide and advise you through the entire process with complete peace of mind.